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DiSC® assessment tools

Everything DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace.


It provides a common language that individuals and teams can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with. By using this knowledge teams enhance their working relationships and reduce conflict.


The 'Workplace' assessment tool is the most popular and widely used of the Everything DiSC® suite of assessments. It's incredibly accessible and after a short debrief session you'll be equipped with knowledge that will transform interactions, even when you don't know the other person's DiSC style.


The Everything DiSC® suite also includes assessments for managers and leaders, 360 feedback, fostering productive conflict and The Five Behaviours® of a Cohesive Team.


Book a free discovery call to find out more about DiSC® assessments and workshops, including which assessment is right for you / your team. You can also see starting prices here.



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"I was possibly more sceptical than most at the prospect of being reduced to a set of personality traits. The results and report however were surprisingly in sync with my own view of myself, and instead provided a welcome catalyst for self-reflection in the work context."
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